Title IX administrative staff

Title IX Coordinator
Joseph Niswonger
Office: S001A
Phone: 262-243-4331
Email: joseph.niswonger@cuw.edu

Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Kimberly R. Bentley
Office:Library 119
Phone: 734-995-7582
Email: kimberly.bentley@zhanmi.net
Title IX investigators
Name | Office | Phone | |
Dr. Christopher Stark | Sci 113 | (734) 995-7417 | christopher.stark@zhanmi.net |
Administrative Hearing Panel Members & Appeal Officers
Name | Campus | Office | Phone | |
Dr. Leah Dvorak | CUW | LU 128C | (262) 243‐4522 | leah.dvorak@cuw.edu |
Prof. Brooke Johnson | CUW | LU 128C | (262) 243-2075 | brooke.johnson@cuw.edu |
Dr. Elizabeth Polzin | CUW | AL 107 | (262) 243‐4210 | elizabeth.polzin@cuw.edu |
Dr. Steve Taylor | CUW | LU 130 | (262) 243‐4392 | steve.taylor@cuw.edu |
Bias and conflict of interest
If a Complainant or Respondent believes that a Coordinator, Investigator, Hearing Panel Member, or Appeal Officer assigned to his/her case cannot conduct a fair/unbiased investigation or adjudication of the case, the party may petition the Title IX Coordinator to replace that individual. However, if the allegation is that The Title IX Coordinator cannot serve in an unbiased manner, the party may petition the Vice President for Student Success to replace the Title IX Coordinator. This must be done in writing (email) within three (3) business days of being notified of the assigned individual and must include supporting evidence. The Vice President for Student Success will have three (3) business days to make a decision if there is evidence of bias and/or conflict of interest. If there is bias or conflict interest, another individual will be selected to replace the biased or conflicted individual from the process.